Première Édition Originale Price in 5 Countries

Brand: Chanel

Première Édition Originale

The Première Édition Originale is cheapest in 🇫🇷 France

* Used for tax calculations in the U.S.

CountryPrice in Original CurrencyPrice in USDComparison with US (%)
🇺🇸 United States6200.00 USD6200.00 USDCostlier by 0.00%
🇫🇷 France5304.35 EUR5533.47 USDCheaper by 10.75%
🇬🇧 United Kingdom4521.74 GBP5624.80 USDCheaper by 9.28%
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates-en23500.00 AED6398.91 USDCostlier by 3.21%
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates23500.00 AED6398.91 USDCostlier by 3.21%

Darker Purple = Better Deal

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U.S. tax is calculated for zipcode 10001 by default.


Product Description:

The CHANEL Première Édition Originale epitomizes elegance with its pure lines and refined details, offering a timeless style that transcends trends. Its emerald-cut beveled crystal gracefully rests on a minimalist black-lacquer dial, deliberately designed without numerals to maintain a sleek, uninterrupted aesthetic. The watch features a 26.1 x 20 x 7.6mm case crafted from steel coated with a layer of 18k yellow gold, seamlessly paired with a black leather strap and a steel chain bracelet.

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