Les Symboles De Chanel Le Lion Price in 4 Countries

Brand: Chanel

Les Symboles De Chanel Le Lion

The Les Symboles De Chanel Le Lion is cheapest in 🇦🇺 Australia

* Used for tax calculations in the U.S.

CountryPrice in Original CurrencyPrice in USDComparison with US (%)
🇺🇸 United States95.00 USD95.00 USDCostlier by 0.00%
🇸🇬 Singapore139.81 SGD103.43 USDCostlier by 8.88%
🇨🇳 China814.81 CNY112.38 USDCostlier by 18.29%
🇦🇺 Australia141.90 AUD88.40 USDCheaper by 6.95%

Darker Purple = Better Deal

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Product Description:

The Lion de Chanel Illuminating Powder features a lion motif symbolizing strength. With an airy texture, this highlighter brightens the complexion with a natural, pearlescent glow. The lion motif pays homage to Gabrielle Chanel's zodiac sign, embodying her proud and passionate personality. Each embossed pattern, including the lion, holds special meaning for Chanel, adding a personalized touch to your makeup routine. The medium, golden peach shade with warm undertones and a sparkling finish adds radiance to any look, reflecting the bold and majestic aspects of Gabrielle Chanel's personality.

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