Le Vernis Price in 12 Countries

Brand: Chanel

Le Vernis

The Le Vernis is cheapest in 🇦🇺 Australia

* Used for tax calculations in the U.S.

CountryPrice in Original CurrencyPrice in USDComparison with US (%)
🇺🇸 United States32.00 USD32.00 USDCostlier by 0.00%
🇬🇧 United Kingdom25.22 GBP31.37 USDCheaper by 1.96%
🇩🇪 Germany28.07 EUR29.28 USDCheaper by 8.49%
🇪🇸 Spain27.59 EUR28.78 USDCheaper by 10.06%
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates-en140.00 AED38.12 USDCostlier by 19.13%
🇳🇱 Netherlands27.59 EUR28.78 USDCheaper by 10.06%
🇸🇬 Singapore44.66 SGD33.04 USDCostlier by 3.25%
🇵🇹 Portugal27.12 EUR28.29 USDCheaper by 11.59%
🇨🇳 China245.37 CNY33.84 USDCostlier by 5.75%
🇸🇪 Sweden308.33 SEK28.04 USDCheaper by 12.38%
🇦🇺 Australia42.86 AUD26.70 USDCheaper by 16.56%
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates140.00 AED38.12 USDCostlier by 19.13%

Darker Purple = Better Deal

Prices might not be accurate or updated. Please recheck the manufacturer's website to double-check.

U.S. tax is calculated for zipcode 10001 by default.


Product Description:

Chanel Le Vernis is a protective and durable nail polish formulated for a shiny finish. This nail color enhances nails with a glossy sheen. The collection includes vibrant blue and captivating coral shades for beautifully manicured nails. Enriched with bioceramics, it maintains nail health. Perfect for a polished and sophisticated look.

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