Le Blanc Foam Cleanser Price in 4 Countries

Brand: Chanel

Le Blanc Foam Cleanser

The Le Blanc Foam Cleanser is cheapest in 🇦🇺 Australia

* Used for tax calculations in the U.S.

CountryPrice in Original CurrencyPrice in USDComparison with US (%)
🇺🇸 United States70.00 USD70.00 USDCostlier by 0.00%
🇸🇬 Singapore79.61 SGD58.90 USDCheaper by 15.86%
🇨🇳 China495.37 CNY68.32 USDCheaper by 2.40%
🇦🇺 Australia77.14 AUD48.06 USDCheaper by 31.35%

Darker Purple = Better Deal

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U.S. tax is calculated for zipcode 10001 by default.


Product Description:

The Chanel Le Blanc Foam Cleanser gently purifies the skin, promoting a brighter appearance. Enriched with licorice extract, it inhibits melanin production for a more luminous complexion. The gentle yet effective formula cleanses, enhances softness, and boosts radiance. Ideal for achieving a clearer and revitalized complexion, this foam cleanser is a skincare essential.

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