Antaeus Price in 12 Countries

Brand: Chanel


The Antaeus is cheapest in 🇸🇪 Sweden

* Used for tax calculations in the U.S.

CountryPrice in Original CurrencyPrice in USDComparison with US (%)
🇺🇸 United States125.00 USD125.00 USDCostlier by 0.00%
🇬🇧 United Kingdom86.09 GBP107.09 USDCheaper by 14.33%
🇩🇪 Germany100.88 EUR105.24 USDCheaper by 15.81%
🇪🇸 Spain99.14 EUR103.42 USDCheaper by 17.26%
🇳🇱 Netherlands99.14 EUR103.42 USDCheaper by 17.26%
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates-en470.00 AED127.98 USDCostlier by 2.38%
🇸🇬 Singapore174.76 SGD129.29 USDCostlier by 3.43%
🇵🇹 Portugal97.46 EUR101.67 USDCheaper by 18.66%
🇸🇪 Sweden1087.50 SEK98.90 USDCheaper by 20.88%
🇨🇳 China981.48 CNY135.36 USDCostlier by 8.29%
🇦🇺 Australia166.67 AUD103.83 USDCheaper by 16.93%
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates470.00 AED127.98 USDCostlier by 2.38%

Darker Purple = Better Deal

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U.S. tax is calculated for zipcode 10001 by default.


Product Description:

The Chanel Antaeus fragrance features a captivating blend of fresh lavender and rare leather accord, with woody and spicy undertones for a spirited and enigmatic masculine aura. Available in perfume and deodorant forms. An invigorating after-shave lotion leaves a delicate trace of the scent on the skin.

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